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The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo

On this day 125 years ago: 2 August 1891

By August 2, 2016No Comments

Today Charles Deville Wells’ first visit to Monte Carlo was almost over.  Having observed his astonishing achievements for several days, the local correspondent for Reuter’s News Agency telegraphed this report to Britain, where it would appear in the next day’s editions of many of the newspapers:

the casino at monte carlo where charles deville wells broke the bank at roulette and trente et quarante

The Casino at Monte Carlo. A view on the southern aspect.

Mr. Wells, the Englishman who had so extraordinary a run of luck last week at the gaming tables here, winning over £20,000 at roulette [equivalent to £2 million], continues to be favoured by the same good fortune.  Finding the luck turning against him, he had the prudence to quit the table at which he had been assiduously playing day after day from the opening of the Casino till its close.  Before leaving the building, however, he risked a few stakes at another game, trente-et-quarante [a casino game played with cards], and, winning each, continued to play till he had further increased his gains by the sum of 160,000 f, or close upon £6,400 [£640,000 today].  Mr. Wells at trente-et-quarante follows the same system that proved so successful at roulette – the famous ‘coup des trois’ – that is to say, following the luck till he has won thrice in succession, and then withdrawing the accumulated stake.  People here and at Nice are talking of nothing but his marvellous success.


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